Using a debt service can be a fantastic way to build your real estate portfolio. However, it can involve running a lot of numbers. When you’re taking on financing, you really have to consider your interest rate, and how it will impact your cash flow. Luckily, there’s a way to get financing at 0% interest!
On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, we’re joined by the team at Fund&Grow. They’re here to share how their process works, and how you can unlock 0% funding using unsecured credit to grow your real estate portfolio. If you’re looking for a way to purchase real estate at 0% financing, this show is for you!
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Today’s episode of Investing in Real Estate is sponsored by Pitney Bowes! SendPro Online by Pitney Bowes is an online software that helps you save time and money no matter what you send. SendPro Online is only $14.99/mo, and listeners can get a FREE 30 day trial when you visit
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